Level Up Your Workflow: No-Code & GenAI for Social Media Automation

| | 4 min read

Managing social media for large events, particularly those with a multitude of sessions, can quickly become an overwhelming task. Manually crafting social media posts and images with the title, abstract, date and time for each session is a time-consuming task. We recently faced this challenge head-on when tasked with creating and publishing social media posts for an event with over 100 sessions. The solution? A powerful combination of no-code tools and Generative AI.

The Challenge

For us with the with the limited resources available and given timelines, creating unique social media posts for over 100 sessions manually was simply not feasible. The sheer volume of work involved would have consumed countless hours and potentially delayed other critical tasks.



How We Automated Social Media Content for 100+ Event Sessions

Instead of getting bogged down in manual labor, we decided to harness the power of automation. The task was simple if it were just one or two sessions: create a short social media post with the title, date, time, speakers, and a one-line summary from the abstract provided by the speakers. Then, use part of this information in a set of predefined image templates to generate the content and image for the post, and publish it on various social media channels. But when it comes to 100+ session, automation is the only way.

Here's a breakdown of the steps we took:

Social Media Post Automation
  1. We began by consolidating all pertinent session information, including titles, speakers, abstracts, and timings, into a structured CSV file. This served as the foundation for our automation efforts.
  2. We leveraged ChatGPT to generate a Python script that could read the CSV file and use the OpenAI API to create social media posts based on the session data. The gpt-4o-mini model proved to be both efficient and cost-effective, generating 100 short content ready for social media for a mere $0.10. A manual review was essential as we cannot full trust the output generated by LLMs.
  3. We employed another GenAI-generated script to create visually appealing images for each session using the Templated API and pre-designed templates. These images were then uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket for easy access.
  4. The final piece of the puzzle was to automate the publishing. We utilized Make, a no-code tool, to seamlessly combine the generated content and image URLs, and schedule them to be posted on the designated social media channels at optimal times.

The Outcome

The impact of this automated workflow was remarkable. We were able to generate and schedule social media content for over 100 sessions in a fraction of the time it would have taken manually. This not only saved us countless hours but also allowed us to allocate resources to other strategic initiatives.



Sample Prompt and the result

We had the session data in the following format in a csv file

Title: AI-Powered Cybersecurity: The Future
Categories: Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence
Abstract: Explore the latest advancements in AI-driven cybersecurity, including threat detection, vulnerability assessment, and incident response. Learn how AI is revolutionizing the fight against cybercrime and protecting critical infrastructure.
Author: Dr. John Doe
Date: 2024-09-15
Time: 10:00 AM

Here is the prompt used in the script to call OpenAI API

Generate a concise and engaging social media post for a AICon 2024 session based on the following details. The post should be straightforward, readable and only use information available in the session details given below, include the author's name, date, time, and relevant hashtags. Summarize the session effectively to attract the audience's attention.
Session Details:
- Title: AI-Powered Cybersecurity: The Future
- Categories: Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence
- Abstract: Explore the latest advancements in AI-driven cybersecurity, including threat detection, vulnerability assessment, and incident response. Learn how AI is revolutionizing the fight against cybercrime and protecting critical infrastructure.
- Author: Dr. Jane Doe
- Date: 2024-09-15
- Time: 10:00 AM

Output generated by OpenAI:

🚨 Ready to explore the future of Cybersecurity? Join Dr. Jane Doe at AICon 2024 on Sept 15 at 10:00 AM for a deep dive into AI-Powered Cybersecurity! Discover how AI is transforming threat detection, vulnerability assessment, and incident response to protect our digital world. Don't miss out! #AICon2024 #Cybersecurity #ArtificialIntelligence #FutureTech

The image generated with Templated

Social Media Sample

Key Takeaways

  • Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we work. Don't hesitate to explore its capabilities and see how it can streamline your processes.
  • No-code tools like Make democratize automation, empowering individuals and teams to build powerful workflows without extensive coding knowledge.
  • Automation frees up valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on higher-level tasks that drive business growth.


Our experience automating social media content generation for a large-scale event highlights the transformative power of no-code tools and GenAI. By embracing these technologies, we were able to overcome a significant challenge and achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency. Don't let the scale of your tasks hold you back; leverage automation to level up your workflow and unlock your full potential. Interested in exploring how AI and automation can optimize your processes? We're here to help. Contact us for a consultation.