Digital Business Consulting

Zyxware helps your business creates personalized digital experiences that 
connect you with your audience and drive business growth.

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Identification of Value Opportunity

Market Research
Problem Definition
Identifying Value Proposition

Digital Platform Roadmap

Identify the Digital initiatives for transformation
Align the initiative with the business through a well defined road map

Organization Design

Right Organizational Structure & Leadership for Driving the Digital Platform
Operating Model
Approach for cultural change

MVP Definition

Track customer for identifying the features of MVP
Road map for product Development
Taking customer feedback for improvement

Digital Investment Roadmap

Digital Vision 
Competitive Assessment 
Gap Analysis 
Transformation Map: Setting target, Timelines etc. 

Customer Acquisition

Develop strategies for customer acquisition
Design Customer Engagement campaigns
Strategies for target marketing using analytics

Digital Trasformation Process

How Do We Bring Digital Trasnsformation

External rather than Internal Orientation


External rather than Internal Orientation

Encourage employees to look outward and engage with customers and shape products on basis of consumer experience

Delegation over Control


Delegation over Control

Empowering the employees
Diffuse decision making deep into the organization & employees are expected to follow guiding principles

Boldness over Caution

Digital roadmap for desired business outcomes.png

Boldness over Caution

Encourage people to take risk, and are prevented from maintaining the status quo out of caution
Leads to greater innovation and enhanced processes

How to improve customer retention and minimize churn?
Each visitor on your platform is valuable and businesses must walk the talk to convince them. A customization interface based on analytics is the first step towards reaffirming this.
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Thomas P. Thomas