Technical Q&A
[SOLVED] How to Load a file Entity by URI in Drupal 9?
We can use loadByProperties method in the \Drupal\Core\Entity\ will help us to search the file entity by the given file URI:
/** @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface[] $files */
$files = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->loadByProperties(['uri' => $uri]);
/** @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface|null $file */
$file = reset($files) ?: NULL;
In some other cases if you don't know the file URI
We can use the below code to get the URI:
function _mymodule_get_file_data($file_url) {
$file_name = Drupal::service('file_system')->basename($file_url);
$target_file = Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('file')->loadByProperties(['filename' => $file_name]);
$file_data = reset($target_file);
if ($file_data) {
else {
return FALSE;
// Usage.
//File URL
$file_url = '';
$get_file_data = _mymodule_get_file_data($file_url);
// File ID.
$file_id = $get_file_data->get('fid')->value;
// File URI.
$file_url = $get_file_data->get('uri')->value;
// Should print 'public://2020-10/blog-images/stack.jpg' or 'private://2020-10/blog-images/stack.jpg'.
// Uploader user ID.
$get_uploader_user_id = $get_file_data->get('uid')->value;