Confirmation Letter - sample format

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A Letter of Appointment is the confirmation about a job in a given company. After recruitment, the person is appointed on probation for a specific period (eg: 6 months), as per company policy. Upon successful completion of probationary period, he/she will be appointed as a permanent employee. While confirmation, the employee will be given a Job Confirmation Letter. Given below is the format that we use at Zyxware.

Letter of Confirmation

Dear Mr./Ms. <Name>,

Following completion of your six months probation period at <Company Name>, we have reviewed your performance and found the same to be satisfactory.

In view of the above, we are pleased to inform you that you have been confirmed to the position of <Designation> at <Company Name> with effect from <Date> <Month>, <Year>. Your salary has been revised to Rs. <00,000/-> per month (In words), with effect from your confirmation date, which indicates cost to company and all allowances and any other benefits. You shall receive your payment on or before the 5th of every month.

Your salary will be reviewed every 12 months and increases will be based upon satisfactory performance in the position.

All other terms and conditions of your appointment will remain the same. Please signify your acceptance of these terms and conditions by signing this letter and returning it to me at an earliest convenient time.

In case you have any queries, do not hesitate to reach your manager/supervisor. <Company Name> congratulates you on your confirmation and wishes you well in your position.


<Date: dd/mm/yyyy>

I accept the company's terms and conditions and confirms my taking up the position of <Designation> from <dd/mm/yyyy>
