[SOLVED][Drupal Ctools] Unable to create the CTools CSS Cache directory error
"CTools CSS Cache. Unable to create The CTools CSS cache directory, ctools/css could not be created due to a misconfigured files directory. Please ensure that the files directory is correctly configured and that the webserver has permission to create directories." If you are getting this error message while inspecting the status reports on your Drupal site then continue reading to get the solution.
This error message occurs because you need to make sure that the files directory (sites/default/files/ctools) is writable by the webserver. Since this is a server issue the fix varies from setup to setup however the logic is the same. Here is a generic version of the solution.
- Firstly check you file system path
- Check if it is in the format "sites/default/files"
- If it is then go to the files directory and assign 777 permission to sites/default/files/ctools
- Next run CRON and then check the status reports.
- If the error message persists simply create files/ctools/css and assign it a permission of 777.
Hope that helps.
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Reference: http://drupal.org/node/1236770