Drupal Technical
[SOLVED][Drupal Errors] Warning: Cannot modify header information
Many Drupal programmers, Drupal site admins and Drupal site users have encountered errors similar to "Warning: Cannot modify header information" in their Drupal site. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal site then read on to find out the solution.
- If you are getting a Cannot modify header information error then it means that somewhere in the codebase something was passed to the browser before Drupal supplied the page.
- This is most likely caused by unwanted characters in contributed modules or in custom modules and themes
- Check and inspect all custom and contributed modules and themes to solve the error message
Hope that helps.
The easiest way to solve a Drupal issue is to hand it to the Drupal experts. We can provide a wide range of Drupal services to help you maintain and manage your Drupal websites. Get in touch with us to know more.
Reference: http://drupal.org/node/1424