A simple template for a basic Requirement Traceability Matrix (with an example)

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Here is a simple template for a basic Requirement Traceability Matrix. Requirement Traceability Matrix is actually the mapping between requirements, test cases and the defects related to corresponding requirements. This will help us in ensuring the test coverage against a requirement. Also, defects can be verified against the requirements or user stories.

Here is an example template:

S.No Requirement ID Test cases Requirement version Defects
1 REQ_1234 TC001, TC002, TC003 V 1.0.0

Here REQ_1234 is a requirement in the Software Requirement Specification document(SRS). TC001, TC002 and TC003 are the test cases written to test that particular requirement. Requirement version is the version of the SRS which is being referred for writing and executing the test cases. Similarly each of the items in the SRS will be mapped to the corresponding test cases.

If there are any defects found during the execution of test cases, then the defect IDs will be entered in the defects column. This will help in Backward tracking, ie, tracking defects against requirements.

Hope this article helps. Happy testing!