How to improve your performance as a Software Tester?
Your success as a Software Tester is dependent on how well you test the applications. You can improve your testing performance by following these basic guidelines. These guidelines are not ultimate but advance your testing skill and career. Improve your overall quality by learning and implementing proper process that fits your organizational needs.
- Learn continuously
- Involve from the start of the project ie. from the requirements stage
- Plan, review and replan continuously
- Design test procedures as soon as requirements are available.
- Keep notes on new things in the project
- Ensure that requirement changes are communicated to relevant stakeholders
- Keep relevant stakeholders (developers, client, testers, project managers) informed about the progress and events
- Encourage your colleagues, both Software Testers and Software Programmers
- Think freely
- Maintain continuity of the Software Tester in the project
- Keep your seniors, peers and juniors about the work that you do
- Follow the testing standards adopted by the organisation
- Explore the testing tools and use those that are appropriate for your environment
Software testing is a fun job, so enjoy it. Focus and and follow processes in software testing.