Drupal Technical
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A number of Drupal users using the Drupal Organic Gropus module reported that they could not see groups that they belong to and also the groups the administrator belonged to. If you are facing the same issue with Drupal Organic Groups in your Drupal site then read on to find out the fix.
Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
A large number of Drupal users using the Drupal Organic Groups module in their Drupal site wanted to know how to hide the Organic Group field from the users directly. If you are facing the same question in your Drupal site and would like to know how to hide the Organic Group field from your users then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
There might be a scenario in a Drupal website where you find that you need to change the color of a row in a View based on the taxonomy id. If you have encountered such a scenario then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
| 2
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A Drupal user using Drupal Organic Groups wanted to know how to show the block on every page that belongs to Organic Groups. Presently the block was only visible in the start page of the blocks. If you are facing the same question in your Drupal site with Drupal organic groups then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
| 2
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FCKeditor Unknown You are using a feature that requires $cookie_domain to be set, but it is not set in your settings.php. A few Drupal users have reported the presence of this warning message in the status reports of their Drupal site. If you are encountering this warning in the status report of your Drupal site then continue reading to solve the problem.
Drupal Technical
| 2
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A few Drupal users want to know how to check if a user is a member of an Organic Group via code. If you are facing the same question in your Drupal site with Drupal Organic Groups and would like to know the solution then read on to find out more.
Drupal Technical
| 1
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A few Drupal users had reported that the Panels of Organic Groups disappeared after upgrading to Organic Groups 7.x-2. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal website with Drupal Organic Groups then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
| 2
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A Drupal user was facing a situation in his Drupal site where he could not save more than 10 values in a node reference field in a custom content type. If there were more than 10 values in a node reference field then the node could not be saved. If you are facing the same scenario in your Drupal site with the Drupal CCK field and would like to know how to save more than 10 values in a node references field in a custom content type.
Drupal Technical
| 2
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A large number of Drupal users were encountering a Duplicate entry '690-0' for key 1 query: INSERT INTO content_field_photo... /sites/all/modules/cck/content.module on line 1213. If you are facing the same error message or a similar message related to the Content module in your Drupal installation and looking to know how to fix the error message then read on to know the solution.
Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
A lot of Drupal users were facing a situation where the "Page cached by Boost" HTML tag was not showing at the bottom of the HTML source of the page. If you are facing the same issue in your Drupal site and would like to know how to bring back the "Page cached by Boost" issue then read on to find out the solution.