
Zyxware default image2
| 1 min read
Have you been trying to index your node to Apache immediately after its been created, updated or deleted! Read On!! By default Apache Solr uses a queue system to index data to Solr. We can preconfigure the interval in which the indexing should perform. Still, there occurs a delay for the node to get indexed.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
Before reading this, please familiarize yourself in setting up a php built-in web server. Phpmyadmin is usually installed along with apache web server. Depending on the version of apache you may have some complications along the way. Fear not, for php has introduced something known as a built-in webserver! With this, you can convert any local folder into a server and host a site locally there. This article will show you how to run phpmyadmin without using apache.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Recently, we came across an error - "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server" while trying to run a new virtual host on our Ubuntu 14.04 machine. The first step to troubleshoot this type of issue would be to check at your Apache error logs as this specific type status can be thrown due to many reasons. Since we have Apache 2.4.7 installed on our system, each virtual host file should have the .conf extension. We corrected the extension also. But the issue was still there. However this information lead us to think on it further and finally we found the reason for the issue.
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| 3 min read
The Apache Solr module integrates Drupal with the Apache Solr search platform. Solr search can be used as a replacement for core content search and boasts both extra features and better performance. The apachesolr module requires the external PHP library,"SolrPhpClient". If this is missing in your apachesolr module directory, it will show the following fatal error after installing or updating this module.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
One of the challenges with working with dynamic websites is that you have to keep fighting malicious users who regularly sap your server capacity with rogue crawling of your site. To do this you would have to monitor and analyze the traffic patterns on the server regularly. You would definitely want to do this when you have load spikes on the server and you wish to find out the IP addresses, user agents and the specific URLs which resulted in these spikes.
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| 1 min read
APC or Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is a free and open opcode cache for PHP. APC allows for caching of opcode generated during PHP script parsing and execution by the Zend engine. If you are using APC 3.1.9 and you are using the default configuration you might run into the error where most PHP requests will return a warning message "PHP Warning: Unknown: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in Unknown on line 0"
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
If you run a reasonably popular site there is a very good chance that you will get crawled by unscrupulous crawlers once in a while. The regular search crawlers from the popular search engines like the Google bot, Yahoo bot, Bing bot themselves are pretty intensive when they crawl sites but they do have limits on the number of pages crawled per visit and the number of simultaneous connections opened to your server. However there are lots of unscrupulous crawlers like spam bots, email harvesting bots and even some search engines who do not set any reasonable limits on the number of simultaneous connections to your server. There are hardware solutions that are available to prevent this but they may not be affordable for everybody. There is however a simple netstat based solution to prevent DDOS.
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| 2 min read
One of our clients sent us images they want to put in the website as pdf files. There were 100 files each containing a single image. Opening each of these in gimp and then saving it as pngs was a nightmare. For all such situations, ImageMagick is there for your rescue. With mogrify - a command utility available in the ImageMagick package, bulk converting all these pdf files to png was child's play.
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| 2 min read
Apache allows you to protect contents of specific directories in your website or the whole website from unauthorized access using a mechanism called httpd password protection. During development of new sites the partially built sites are protected from unauthorized access using httpd authentication. This could sometimes interfere with testing of integration with third party services that might expect some of your URLs to be accessible without authentication. Here is how you can exclude a given file or directory from httpd authentication
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| 5 min read
We had recently been involved in a project to set up a Conference Management System for an International Conference to be conducted in Kerala sometime later this year. We had zeroed in on Pentabarf as the solution we were going to base the system on. Pentabarf is a Ruby on Rails solution that has been used for the last couple of DebConfs. Pentabarf as such is an excellent system, being a system created by programmers for programmers, but it heavily lacked in documentation both on their site and on the world wide web. We however managed to get it installed on Ubuntu with Apache, Ruby on Rails and FastCGI. We are sharing the installation instructions for Pentabarf on Ubuntu here
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| 5 min read
Most webmasters do not realize this, but a lot of the content on lot of websites can be accessed from multiple URLs. A simple example would be where www.example.com and example.com leads to the same page. This is a fatal mistake in Search Engine Optimization and search engines penalize you for duplicate content. The correct configuration would be where the above two urls will lead you to the same page but example.com will redirect you to www.example.com with a 301 (Moved permanently) status which will not result in search engines penalizing the page. It is very easy to configure 301 redirects using Apache .htaccess file and the process is the same for a Drupal installation also.