Apache Solr

As one of the world's leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD offers participants a truly global educational experience. Established in 1957, the institution has a history of bringing an open-minded learning culture into its multi-campus model. Harvard Business School, INSEAD and ICFAI Business School Hyderabad are the world’s top three Business Case Study publishers.

Sometimes, we may come across a situation where we need to exclude a particular page from being indexed. We had a similar requirement in one of our projects where we had to exclude home page from being indexed by apache solr search. Read on to know how we executed it using hooks provide by apachesolr.

If you want to display some custom text related to an entity (which are not part of the entities fields. Eg. Calculated sum based on some values of the fields) in your apache solr search result, you can do it in two simple steps.

Facebook OAuth module helps to extract data from user's Facebook account details and map that user's Drupal account during registration. The user details will be extracted directly from the Facebook account details and user can define the custom field types to be extracted with validations. Validations means the mandatory field info's that should be present in the Facebook account details before extract using the FBoauth API.