
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Blogger is one of the most popular free blogging service providers out there. Yet again another free service from the kitty of Google. Blogger is a reasonably user friendly blogging platform except for its theming capabilities. If you don't customize anything you can configure most of the stuff through the blogger admin interface but if you did something then you will have to do everything subsequently as well. A very simple task like showing the comment form below the posts requires you to fiddle with the template xml file, if you are already using a customized template.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Blogger/Blogspot allows its users to edit the complete layout of the blog page through its 'edit template' feature. This gives the blogger full control over the layout of their pages and gives the kind of flexibility that you can get from any custom systems. The default blogger templates do not give links for social bookmarking from the blog pages. In this article we explain how to add social bookmarking links and buttons in your blogspot/blogger blog.
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
When you are posting a blog on your blogspot, blogger automatically uses your title to create a url for your post. This happens only if you have enabled post pages in the Settings » Archives » Enable post pages setting to true. However if you are using a fairly long title, blogger will simply truncate at the end of the last complete word so that the total remains within 40 characters.