The problem: HTML elements have inconsistent sizes across different browsers.
The solution: Set box-sizing for all elements to border-box.
A long-time bane for web developers, Internet Explorer did one thing right: It sized boxes properly.
Other browsers only look at the content when calculating the width of an HTML element, with everything else treated as surplus. A width: 200px div, with 20px padding and a 2px border, renders as 242 pixels wide.
I had faced the issue with browser compatibility issues with the Safari browser and the Chrome browser to load the CSS styles due to unsecured http. This can be fixed by setting right protocol type.
Blocks in Drupal can be assigned to regions in specified pages. Two options which are already in Drupal 7's block configuration page are:
All pages except those listed
Only the listed pages
And if you have enabled the PHP filter module, you may find another option:
Pages on which this PHP code returns TRUE (experts only)
In this article,I am going to explain to you, how you can display a block on pages based on the value returned by PHP code.
Did you face a situation where you wished that you could edit JavaScript live on the browser to make experimental changes in your code? Have you ever made modifications in JavaScript code without rewriting the file and reloading the web page to see the changes in real-time. Read on to know how to edit JavaScript code in your browser and see the changes in real-time?
For any site - be it Drupal or non-Drupal, this is most probably due to simple mistakes made while entering attributes. Let us see one very common case where a simple mistake can cause glaring issues:
We usually see the css given something like this. We do not see any glaring issue in the class defined below.
#header {