Community Projects

Community Projects undertaken by Zyxware

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| 4 min read
We have been running a highly popular Request CD program for the last one year. Through this people across India have been requesting Free and Open Source Software from us and we have been downloading and writing these on to CDs and DVDs and sending to these people. We have only been charging for the cost of the media and the shipping and handling charges from the people because we wanted to use this program to promote Free Software across India. We have prepared the list of software that are currently available from us through RequestCD and are publishing it here
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| 5 min read
It was an idea six months ago. That idea was conceptualised and later, was named Freedom Walk - A walk to claim,ensure and preserve freedom. Started off from Kasargode on oct 2, our team of volunteers criss-crossed through the length and breadth of Kerala touching all the 14 districts, and spreading the message of freedom among the people.
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| 6 min read
Millions of people worked hard and even paid with their lives to earn us the freedom we enjoy today. Is our current generation aware of the value of this freedom? From the lack of social and political sensitivity and the lack of activism in our society it might seem that this is not so. It is as if we are devaluing freedom every day. With the commercialisation of almost every sphere of life, most people are not able to find any time to put in effort to fight this alarming trend. Most, but not everybody. At Zyxware, we have decided to focus our efforts to tackle this issue head on.
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| 7 min read
Zyxware Technologies, today announced that they will be releasing India's first Freedom Toaster in a function to be held at Park Center, Technopark on 1st Sep at 4:30PM. The toaster will be inaugurated by The Hon'ble Minister for Education, Government of Kerala, Shri. M.A. Baby who will also inaugurate the 5-day GNU/Linux Install fest which will be held at the same venue from Sep 1 to Sep 5.
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| 2 min read
With a view to promote the status of Kerala as an IT Hub, Kerala State IT mission organized yet another IT Show. The theme of Kerala IT.Com 2008 was ‘Kerala – The IT Destination Hub – Cutting edge and Viable solutions through use of IT’. This time the show was hosted at Technopark. One major change in this years show was a stall offerred by the IT Mission for the promotion of free software community in the state and for the promotion of free software in Industry.
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| 2 min read
We now have Debian Etch 4.0 DVDs at Zyxware. It is available in 4 DVDs. Click here to order your copy of Debian Etch 4.0 DVDs using our Request CD/DVD module. Please note that currently, this facility is available for users in India. Debian Etch 4.0 contains over 18200 packages with about 6500 packages more than the previous one. Debian has got GNOME 2.14 as its default desktop enviornment along with KDE 3.5.5a and Xfce 4.4 as alternatives. The entire system and packages are very stable as it has gone through a rigorous release cycle.
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| 2 min read
The full set of Ubuntu Repository DVDs (set of 5 DVDs) is now available. You can request for your copy of the Ubuntu Repositories through our RequestCD program. The ubuntu repository DVDs contain the complete set of packages under the main, universe, multiverse and restricted repositories in Ubuntu. Please note that we will mail out the DVDs only within India.
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| 2 min read
We now have all variants of Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) with us. Click here to order your copy of Ubuntu DVD or CD using our RequestCD system. You can request the Gutsy Gibbon version of any of the Ubuntu flavors - Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Gobuntu - from Zyxware. Kindly remember that this RequestCD feature is currently only available for users from India.
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| 3 min read
We now have Fedora 8 DVD with us. Click here to order your copy of the Fedora 8 DVD using our RequestCD system. Kindly remember that this RequestCD feature is currently only available for users from India. Fedora 8 has been getting rave reviews from across the GNU/Linux user and developer community. A slew of features focusing on the usability of the system has been incorporated into Fedora 8.
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| 2 min read
We are happy to announce the beta launch of our new public service. You can now request us for any software that is freely available on the internet and which you cannot download on your own because of your bandwidth or time limitations. We will download the software, write the CD/DVD and mail the software to you. As simple as that. The mission of this project is simple - to promote Open Source software among those who have limited internet connectivity. Request your copy of your Favorite Free Software Now
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| 2 min read
We started zyxware with a vision to play an active role in changing the world around us positively. We are happy to announce the pilot mode launch of our first community initiative - Freelance@Zyxware. Through this project we hope to empower the student community technologically and financially. We hope that this would also give them a wonderful opportunity to learn and try new technologies, interact with other students with similar likes and the best part - get paid for doing this.