Drupal Theming

Zyxware default image2
| 7 min read
Patternlab is a dynamic organizational and prototyping tool for Drupal theming. By theming with pattern lab, your custom theme allows us to manage and build components in accordance with the required workflow using atomic design concepts1. Using Pattern Lab for Drupal 8 Theming Instead of rendering default Drupal templates, we can introduce pattern lab to include twig files using atomic concepts. It allows us to include external twig files by overriding the specific templates.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
The introduction of Drupal 8 is sure to create a flutter in the web development circles; this latest version of Drupal, with cutting-edge features, is certainly promising some radical changes. Drupal 8, which embraces a variety of technologies including Symfony, Backbone, Twig, and YAML, is all set to create a revolution in the crowded CMS market.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Ever since we have used computer, all might have heard of command line tool. Most commonly called bash. Command line is capable of taking input and outputting its results from and to computer. One of the features command line offers is it lets the users to create their own instructions. In this article we will take a tour through the steps on creating our own bash command.
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
Nowadays we can easily access internet in different devices such as mobile, tablet etc. So its necessary to make a website compatible with popular devices like iPhone, iPad etc. In Drupal, we have a simple method to make a website adapt to different devices. In this method we can convert a normal theme to responsive theme easily. To get this we have to modify the .info file and add the media query stylesheets in .info file. We will also have to add the responsive style rules to the separate media query stylesheets
Zyxware default image3
| 5 min read
When we have a multi site Drupal installation, we might have to set a default theme for each site. The easiest way of setting a default theme for each Drupal site is by setting the theme from the settings.php file. If you are having a Drupal multistie installation and want to know how to set a default theme for each site in a Drupal multisite installation the continue reading.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
If you are a beginner in Drupal your might be wondering what a node is. The concept of a node is very simple. All you have to understand is that each and every content in Drupal is treated as a node. A page is a node, an article is also a node. If you want to add custom styles and formatting to the nodes of a specific content type then you have to theme a node. Read on to know how to theme a node in a Drupal 7 website.