
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
Using Facebook API we can pass instructions for several operations in a single HTTP request. Facebook API process operations as sequentially if it is dependent otherwise it will process as parallel. After completing all the operation it will send a consolidate response to you.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
I have a requirement to post a comment on a Facebook user's timeline from our Drupal website. In submitting a Drupal form, I have to post a comment on Facebook. We need to access Facebook api so we have to download Facebook SDK for PHP. Facebook SDk allows developers to access the Facebook api ie to post the comment on Facebook. Also create an app on Facebook, once you create an app it will generate a Facebook app id and Facebook secret code.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
I had a chance to work on the Drupal-8 environment with its development version only released. I could able to design a simple site using the same and got stuck with some issues on the flow.The following are some release issue i faced during the design of the same.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
In one of my Drupal projects, I was using metatag module to specify metatags in my entity. When I enabled the module in Drupal modules configurations and set metatgs in my contents, it was working perfectly. After some days I want to customize my content page, so I created a custom page template file for the content. Then onwards, in the Drupal site the metatgs I set is not showing in the content page.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
I had a requirement to tag a friends/fans page on the photo uploaded in user wall on Facebook from a Drupal site. I have created a custom module on that create a form to uplaod the image. On page submit, I post the image on facebook user wall and tag the facebook fan's page with the same. If we need to work with facebook, we need PHP SDK. Facebook SDK allows developers to access the Facebook api.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
There is a good chance that most Drupal websites are linked to social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. In such a scenario we need to verify that the content generated in the Drupal website and passed as feeds to these sites are correctly displayed there. If you are facing the same scenario in your Drupal website and want to know how to test your Drupal website's content feed in social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook then read on