Highcharts is a charting library written in pure HTML5/JavaScript. Without generating the image we can display the graph. Download highcharts library from http://www.highcharts.com/. I have a requirement to generate a multiple-line graph. In my situation , I have to generate multiple-line graphs. So I choose javascript to generate multiple-line graphs, it will increase the performance also. Otherwise, it will increase the server load (if I generate a graph as an image). Javascript graphs allow interaction between the graph and elements in your html. It will also reduce the Server load. I have downloaded the high chart api, and include the js files. They give some sample graph, you can choose as per your requirement. To draw a graph we need to pass json value. And follow the steps given below.
Health Monitoring System
We are happy to announce that our open source application, The Health Monitoring System was dedicated to the nation by Hon'ble Health Minister of Kerala, Smt. P K Sreemathi Teacher by accepting the first copy of the application from Zyxware's CEO Mr. Anoop John on 5th October, 2007. The function was held at the minister's office.