Drupal Global Contribution Weekend 2020
| 2 min read
Drupal Global Contribution Weekend (DGCW) is an initiative of the Drupal Association which represents the global Drupal community to encourage people to contribute to Drupal. This year, ICFOSS (an autonomous institution under the Government of Kerala mandated with propagation, promotion,, and development of Free and Open Source Software) in partnership with Zyxware Technologies is organizing the Drupal Global Contribution Weekend 2020 in MP Hall, Tapasya Building, Infopark, Kochi on 25th January 2020 from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
2019 Drupal Global Training Day
| 3 min read
The International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS), an autonomous institution under Government of Kerala, India mandated with propagation, promotion and development of Free and Open Source Software has organised the Drupal Global Training Day (GTD) in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India on December 21, 2019, from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. Zyxware Technologies provided the technical support for the GTD. The event set the momentum to form the Drupal Community in Kerala.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
We had recently received the opportunity to provide video conferencing and live streaming services for the recently concluded fourth International FOSS Conference conducted by ICFOSS which was conducted from till 27-12-11 and concluded on 29-12-11. The technical support we offered was designed to be simple and can be replicated with minimum of effort to cover any other Free Software event. We have created an article on the technical aspects of setting up video streaming in Ubuntu and posted it on Ubuntu Manual. Check out the post on How to stream your webcam videos live online using Ubuntu. Feel free to share it with other FOSS enthusiasts who want to organise similar FOSS related events.