Our Vision

By breaking barriers to information flow and enabling transactions that can transcend constraints of time and space, digital has created new forms of connecting people and engaging with them. As the access to internet expands across the planet, designing value-creating digital engagements that enhances well being of people, protects their rights and changes lives is an exciting challenge for us. A world where knowledge and resources flow freely and meet the test of the common good is our enduring vision.

Managing motivation in organisations and communities is a constant challenge. We combine the best of game design principles and elements and technology to help you do just that. Through digitally driven gamification, set up inspirational goals, fair and quick positive and negative reinforcements, cooperative competitive environments and much more. Our Open Source Community Engagement and technology capabilities give us the right insights to get the best out of gamification for you.
Experience Design

Experience Design
Delightful user experience - the holy grail for all digital platform owners - is a journey of a thousand miles that starts with a single step - deep user understanding. Rich experience of deep engagement with varied users of digital platforms for clients across verticals, cultures and geographies and strong engineering capabilities have given us the foundations on which we can build deep user understanding driven experience design. We craft delightful user experiences on your digital platforms that makes your relationship with your users strong
Creative Services

Creative Services
Our user centric approach to marketing uses analytical insights to build explicit user experiences which result in high user engagement and conversion. You can build your brand experiences, drive your content strategy and convey the emotions you want to communicate with your customers using our creative team consisting of user research experts, experience designers, interface developers, video editors, animation designers and graphics designers.
Learning & Development

Learning & Development
Learning in college and schools, learning at work, learning at home - it is a continuous process for everyone and an exciting one when we know we are making progress. Digital has opened up a wide array of opportunities for learning from which a person can choose a suitable style. It has empowered teachers with an array of communication, reporting and monitoring tools enabling pedagogic innovation. We will help you shape effective learning and teaching experiences powered by digital.
Behavioral Change

Behavioral Change
Organisations, programmes and projects succeed when participants behave in ways that are aligned with the vision, values and strategy that underlies it. Managing motivation, providing the necessary scaffolding for disciplined execution, educating and training are some of the ways in which behaviour can be aligned successfully and the problem of 'drop outs' can be addressed and sustainable gains can be achieved. We draw upon state of the behaviour change research from economics, psychology and sociology to define digital initiatives that can lead to sustainable behaviour change and associated outcomes.