DreamStudio 12.04.2 is an updated build of the projects multimedia distribution based on Ubuntus latest long-term support (LTS) release. Some of the newest features: audio indicator - the second version of DreamStudios exclusive audio indicator features quick access to ALSA controls, JACK utilities, and software synths; new name - DreamStudio OS is now DreamStudio Unity; hardware support - for those of you with Ivy Bridge processors, we now feature a dedicated install image with the 3.5 Linux kernel; updates - many of DreamStudios major software packages, such as Blender, GIMP, and Inkscape have been updated to the latest stable versions, and hundreds of security updates to the base system are included.
About DreamStudio
DreamStudio is an Ubuntu-based distribution containing tools to create stunning graphics, captivating videos, inspiring music, and professional websites. Some of the included and pre-configured applications include Cinelerra (a powerful non-linear video editor), Ardour (a professional digital audio workstation), CinePaint (a tool for motion picture frame-by-frame retouching), Blender (a 3D graphics application), Inkscape (a vector graphics editor), Synfig Studio (a vector-based 2D animation software), Kompozer (a complete web authoring system), and many others.