Ubuntu Christian Edition 12.04 i386 is an Ubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution designed for Christians, as well as churches, Bible study schools and other religious organisations. Built of Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS system management (dconf tools, Synaptic package manager, BleachBit, gAlternatives, gnome-tweak-tool with advanced settings, ubuntu-tweak), daily usage (WINE and WineTricks, Google Chrome, VLC, MyUnity, terminator, Nautilus scripts for better file management), Bible software (Quelea, Bibledit, Verse, Xiphos, OpneLP). Customizations ranging from artwork, themes and icons along with the PPAs added to enable more artwork installation. UCE also comes with the award-winning DansGuardian web content filter configured to block pornography and other questionable content.
About Ubuntu Christian Edition
Ubuntu Christian Edition is a complete desktop Linux operating system, This Distribution is designed for Christians, as well as churches, Bible study schools and other religious organisations. Freely available with both community and professional support. Software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.