wattOS R8 is a set of minimalist Debian-based distributions with a choice of LXDE, MATE or Openbox desktop user interfaces. After 5 years of being an Ubuntu-based distro, we have made the change to Debian. Specifically Debian 'Wheezy' as the base, with some backports thrown in (for example a newer kernel), and in a couple of small places a little 'Jessie' where warranted. But for the most part, its Debian 'Wheezy' as a base to build from. The additional tweaks include the addition of the expected things to make it easy to use as a live CD or install CD. So a reasonably complete desktop for all editions that includes things like support for multiple wireless chipsets, Flash inclusion, printing support....
About wattOS
wattOS is a fast desktop Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Using the lightweight Openbox window manager as its default user interface, the distribution strives to be as energy-efficient as possible so that it can be used on low-specification and recycled computers.