Absolute Linux13.39 i386 CD is Slackware-13.37 modification. Main features of this CDs are as follows: Worked on gslapt/slapt-get, for those who like to automate their updates. Kept hacking away at udisks/pcmanfm/libfm -- but still a bit buggy, so somewhat frustrating. Tried Thunar, but gvfs overhead was TOOOO much. Might have to try something else, maybe rox as primary... IDK. Also replaced mhwavedit with Audacity, tweaked some mime-handling as well as a couple of the utility scripts and got a better process viewer (qps.)
About Absolute Linux
Absolute is a x86 Linux distribution based upon Slackware. It concentrates on "desktop" use so that it is ready for internet, multimedia, document and general home use out of the box. Absolute is lightweight -- meaning 2 things: that it can run on on older hardware and that the OS interface stays out of your way. It is version-compatible with Slackware so you can use almost any package from the same version of Slack on Absolute. Development libraries (headers) for everything installed are always included, so you can code and/or build almost anything from source. It is what I use all day, every day, and I am very thankful for Linux and Slackware and I hope others find benefit from my work on Absolute.