Easy Peasy 1.6 i386 is an Ubuntu-based distribution optimised for netbooks. Its main features are as follws: new boot system and new boot artwork (uses Plymouth); 25% faster boot; sports full removal of the HAL package, making EasyPeasy faster to boot and faster to resume from suspend; brand new interface; built in integration with Twitter, identi.ca, Facebook, and other social networks with the MeMenu in the panel; Likewise Open, which provides Active Directory authentication and server support for Linux, has been updated to version 5.4; new default open source-driver for NVIDIA hardware; improved support for NVIDIA proprietary graphics drivers; all packages are upgraded.
About EasyPeasy
EasyPeasy (formerly Ubuntu Eee) is an Ubuntu-based distribution for netbooks. It uses Ubuntu Netbook Remix graphical user interface and includes open source as well as proprietary software.