Elastix 2.3.0 x86_64 DVD also ready to download now. Elastix 2.3.0 is released. It is a new version with important improvements in the interface, security and performance, optimizing the usability on all tables and reports throughout the web interface, as well as the Asterisk, Dadhi, Wanpipe and CentOs versions were updated. In this new version of Elastix, the Addons module has a complete redesign, making it easier to visualize all of the third party applications available for download. For those developers who want to customize their Elastix, they will find in all grid-style modules the ability to modify and add multiple custom actions according to need. Another important update in the distro is that now the rpms that handle hardware drivers are not directly linked to a kernel so you can upgrade to any kernel without creating any kernel incompatibility problems, this is due to the use of weak updates. Among the new features available in this version are: - Update to Asterisk, Update to CentOS 5.7, Update to Dadhi, Update to Wanpipe 3.5.25-0, Update to jquery 1.7.1, New redesign of Addons module and improvements in the Calendar, Call Center, Fax, PBX, Reporting, Security and System modules etc....
About Elastix
Elastix is a Linux distribution that integrates the best tools available for Asterisk-based Private Branch Exchanges (PBX) into a single, easy-to-use interface. It also adds its own set of utilities and allows for the creation of third-party modules to make it an excellent software package available for open source telephony. Based on CentOS.