IPFire 2.11 i586 CD is a specialist Linux-based distribution for firewalls: "It has already been four years since IPFire 2 was released for the first time. There has been huge progress until today, the release of version 2.11. The biggest new feature in the released version 2.11 of IPFire is the option to create net-to-net VPNs with OpenVPN. Until now, it was only possible to use OpenVPN to create roadwarrior networks, but we kept the easiness of configuring VPN tunnels by just sending configuration archives in ZIP format. To learn how that works, see the reworked documentation on the Wiki. IPsec-VPNs do now support the IKEv2 protocol which allows a more secure, faster and easier connection of the tunnels.
About IPFire Linux
IPFire is a Linux distribution that focusses on easy setup, good handling and high level of security. It is operated via an intuitive web-based interface which offers many configuration options for beginning and experienced system administrators. IPFire is maintained by developers who are concerned about security and who update the product regularly to keep it secure. IPFire ships with a custom package manager called Pakfire and the system can be expanded with various add-ons.