moonOS 4 is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution with a custom file hierarchy and a new experimental application framework. New features: updated software, refinements and new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use; uses GNOME as the default desktop environment; own file hierarchy system; new applications framework - an software that uses the Appshell framework will be standalone so everyone can download a single package and install and share with friends via a Flash driver (this is in experiment so there are limited application ports at the moment); includes the popular '200 lines' kernel patch to boost the speed; careful selection of applications for daily use; Docky and Synapse for life even more easy.
About moonOS
moonOS is a complete, Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the LXDE and Enlightenment 17 desktop managers and imaginative, original artwork. A project created and designed by Cambodian artist Chanrithy Thim, moonOS is intended as an operating system for any desktop, laptop or virtual machine.