OpenSuse 12.1 x86_64 DVD is the latest version of Suse project group. OpenSUSE 12.1 includes new versions of GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice.org, Firefox, the Linux kernel, and many, many more updates and improvements. In 12.1 you'll find more than 1,000 open source desktop applications. openSUSE also includes a full suite of server software and a rich selection of open source development tools. Among these many new features, openSUSE also provides support for netbooks and the Btrfs file system support.
About openSUSE
The openSUSE project is a community program sponsored by Novell. Promoting the use of Linux everywhere, this program provides free, easy access to openSUSE, a complete Linux distribution. The openSUSE project has three main goals: make openSUSE the easiest Linux for anyone to obtain and the most widely used Linux distribution; leverage open source collaboration to make openSUSE the world's most usable Linux distribution and desktop environment for new and experienced Linux users; dramatically simplify and open the development and packaging processes to make openSUSE the platform of choice for Linux developers and software vendors.