California Consumer Privacy Act became effective on January 1, 2019. 2 years before, Europe implemented GDPR. Even though both are personal data protection laws, they are ideologically different. Through this article, we are exploring the factors that differentiate CCPA from GDPR. GDPR CCPA Effective From 25-May-2018 Effective From 01-January-2020
The year 2018 marked the implementation of one of the most popular data protection laws in the world, ie GDPR. It's been a year and a half since its implementation. Any organization in Europe or who delivers a digital service to European Public and uses their personal information now complies GDPR. Now it’s time for CCPA, California Consumer Privacy Act.
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The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a state law created to enhance the privacy rights and consumer protection of California residents. The bill for CCPA was passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by Jerry Brown, Governor of California, on June 28, 2018. Here are some fact you need to know about CCPA CCPA is a personal data protection law passed by the State Of California. CCPA stands for California Consumer Privacy Act and gets effective on 1st Jan 2020.