Once the installation of Mattermost in Centos 7 has been completed and everything is working fine as mentioned in the article (Install Mattermost on Centos 7) you can follow the below steps to complete the configuration part.
1) Create the System Admin user and set up Mattermost for general use.
a) Open a browser and navigate to your Mattermost instance. For example, http://<IP-ADDRESS-OF-MATTERMOST-SERVER>:8065.
Server Configuration
Adminer is an open source database management tool written in PHP. Adminer is available for MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, and MongoDB. Adminer is also known as "phpMinAdmin". Adminer provides more security and performance. Adminer gives the following features.
Backup should be an essential part of your computing experience if spend great amounts of time on computer and/or use computer for important persons or business dealings. We know there are so many stories of people who have lost all of their files due to computer viruses to ignore or system crashes. When backup files, you are storing your files separately.