Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
To replace a div by another on submitting a form always used to top the list of requirements. So I've choose to share how to use a handy command provided by ajax to replace a particular div by another.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
We are no strangers to commands in bash. Bash provides an ample amout of commands to manipulate on files. The main commands that are commonly used are,

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
You might have joined different tables in the same database. How would it be if you could join different tables from different databases. Sounds good!! right? I had to go through an uncountable number of tutorials and blogs to make this happen. All thanks to Drupal.
There are certain conditions you have to ensure before using this method. First to make sure is that you have both databases on the same server. And the second is a fit. The second is about user, ensure both have the same.
Requirement was to get all the users in both databases.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
Drupal provides a handy of global variables. Thanks for the tiring efforts. You might know about the interfaces in drupal, it has a use interface and an admin interface. Suppose we are using bartik as our user theme and seven for admin interface.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
Working with Drupal and not familiar with the database queries could be impossible. There is insert, update and delete queries for Drupal. Once I had a requirement on updating 2 fields in one update query.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
There are a lot of pragmatically created crawlers today. If is a website is open for registration these crawlers can maliciously faux accounts of their own. In such cases, we usually use CAPTCHA. CAPTCHA is like a protective shield for our website from those bots.

Drupal Technical
| 6
min read
Commerce Discount module provides a user-friendly UI for managing discounts. The Discount UI (available under Admin → Commerce → Store → Discounts) allows creating and editing discounts. Each discount consists of two related entities: Commerce Discount and Commerce Discount Offer.

Technical Solution
| 5
min read
Every one likes an eye-catching website, a websites with lot of images, sliders, animations and so on. For me sure I'm going to come out with a colorful site with some information over a content filled website. There is a saying 'A picture is worth a thousand words'. If that picture is worthy to deliver a better message too, there are chances of going crazy for the site. On the hurry to make website look beautiful, we'll add many images. Remember, these images could be a cause of concern. The load time will increase in parallel to the size of the images included in site.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
As time goes by, demand for anything and everything varies. For some, demand increases were as for others it degrades. Drupal is a platform that varies in reams. Drupal always endeavoured its best to be the one without any match. Thanks to those millions of hands behind the success. Because We Demand It! The latest version of Drupal to see the limelight was 9 Time as well as Drupal urges us to make use of its efforts at best. Let's move on to work with 9.

Technical Solution
| 5
min read
Command line provides a platform to that takes input from keyboard to interact with the operating system. In Linux Operating System's, the Command line is often referred to bash.
MySQL in Command Line