7 Key Marketing Automation Trends To Watch in Coming Years
From large multinational conglomerates to brick-and-mortar stores, marketing is crucial in guiding most businesses toward success. No matter how good of a product or service you provide, you can’t reach your target audience without letting them know about it. The art of marketing is not a new venture, either. It has been around for centuries.
What’s changed is that billboards and banners have lower effectiveness than Facebook or Google Ads.
People are more likely to go for something online because they have fewer reasons to leave their homes.
The digital age has brought its touches to this sphere, which is why marketing automation trends are picking up pace.
What is Marketing Automation?
Marketing Automation is the process of utilizing the relevant technology to auto-generate content for marketing campaigns with minimal input from the user. Many people only think of it as mobile marketing automation. Instead, it is a highly competitive field that continues to grow at an annual rate of 8.55% and a potential capitalization of US$ 6.4 billion by 2024.1
Which Marketing Automation Trends Should You Follow?
There is only so much a human is capable of. Granted that specialists can develop many great ideas, it becomes impossible with a limited staff to deliver effectively every time.
The emerging digital marketing trends in the last three years have one thing in common: all require more quality content directed towards the end-user.
That is why it pays to keep up with marketing automation. A computer can come up with near-unlimited variations for a campaign and use the relevant data set to modify it on the go. It is fast, efficient, and makes for a better-controlled marketing system, aiding digital agencies in expanding their profits. 2

In light of that, here are a few marketing automation trends that will dominate in the coming years.
7 Key Marketing Automation Trends To Follow in Coming Years
1. Personalized Quality Data
Context is crucial to attracting quality customers to resources they might otherwise miss out on. Using the impression data and purchase history to build a unique profile for each visitor is a Herculean task.
However, marketing automation enables you to do just that with a few easy steps. Just set up a database and a way to register visitor information (whether through review forms or self-generated queries). Before long, you’ll have reliable data that can tell you more about your customers and their interests.
2. Funnel-Optimized Content
The marketing funnel is a concept that works without fail if you know where your venture stands. It has three stages - awareness, consideration, and decision - each with a different customer base for which you have to account. Thus, understanding what exactly you want from your marketing campaign is always a good idea.
It is known as funnel optimization and has been among the rapidly growing marketing automation trends in recent months.
So, the next time you’re planning to publish a blog post or press release, it is wise first to use automation to gain meaningful insights for your audience.
3. Machine Learning And AI
The extensive use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) brings many positive changes to most aspects of our lives. These also include marketing automation. The use of chatbots to respond to customer queries and smart campaigns that use neural networks to optimize content are all part of machine learning attributed to the advancement of AI.
According to McKinsey,3
it has already been used by many OEMs in the automotive industry, with pilot-based cases for developing the patterns to evaluate each customer’s specific needs.
Automobile manufacturers like Toyota and BMW are already bringing AI to the forefront of their respective marketing strategies.

4. Focus On Mobile Devices
Statista reports that more than half of the internet traffic is from portable devices.4 Today’s high-end phones can easily beat last-generation PCs in terms of hardware, making the modular form of any website a priority for any digital professional. It also neatly segues the question: ‘what is mobile marketing automation?’ In layman’s terms, it is the practice of deploying the same marketing automation techniques to mobile devices.
The advantage is that there is a variety of software that you can use instead of planning campaigns or writing thousands of lines of code.
Apps like ActiveTrail, and PushEngage can ease your burden of creating mobile marketing campaigns.
These services also offer additional features like omnichannel messages, 5 automated customer segmentation, and cross-promotion on different platforms.6 .
5. Automated Social Media Marketing
The digital age has made people more accustomed to social media for daily interactions with friends, family, and colleagues.
As of October 2021, there were 4.88 billion social media users around the world.7
If you have to reach a vast audience, you must consistently upload content to increase brand awareness and make people aware of the latest developments.
That is a tall order without social media marketing automation coming into play. With the right tools in place, you can set up a system to automatically update your followers about the latest blogs posted on your website or the new products yet to be launched. It is one of the marketing automation trends in high demand, especially for e-commerce businesses that rely on social media for their sales conversions.

6. Custom Email Automation
You may have noticed that personalization is pivotal, considering that you’ve been vigilant throughout the previous segments. The same goes for email marketing.
You must resonate with your audience’s interests and personalize an email accordingly unless you want all your emails to end up in the spam folder.
Consider activities like carts not checked out and most visited pages to curate content that has the maximum chance to gain conversions from emails. Mobile marketing automation software like Mailigen and Adestra can help you with such campaigns.
7. User Retention And Remarketing
Findings from Hootsuite indicate that more than one billion hours of watch time is dedicated to YouTube every single day, with an average of 2 minutes and 34 seconds per video.8 That means you have a small window of time to grab your audience’s attention. While it is not uncommon to miss a few eyes, it pays to follow up on those who have left the website and remarket them with something they might have initially missed.
Marketing automation can help you in this regard by keeping a record of the visitors who viewed your videos or pages before clicking off.
It allows you to follow up rather than ignore the metric altogether. Should you wish to configure it, Google has already introduced smart campaigns as part of their ads console that includes this feature.
The evolution of the internet is occurring at a breakneck pace. So much so that the methods that used to work just a few months ago might be redundant Today. It is why staying updated with the marketing automation trends that are more likely to help you progress, especially those that remain relevant for some time, is beneficial and necessary. Zyxware technologies can help you with all your digital marketing needs, assessing your needs and coming up with the perfect solution for your business.