Drupal equivalent module for NextGEN Gallery Wordpress plugin

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NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN Gallery Wordpress plugin is a fully integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a slideshow option. Before I started writing the plugin I studied all the existing image and gallery plugins for WordPress. Some of them are really good and well designed, but the gap I filled was a simple administration system at the back end which can also handle multiple galleries.

There are no equivalent ready made solutions available for Drupal, though there are some modules like Fast Gallery available, it will not stand anywhere near the features provided by the nextgen gallery.

The best way to create a custom image gallery in Drupal is to use the content types, image field and views. You can use modules like DDBlock Views_Slideshtow using views and content types.


1.Screenshot Admin Area


2.Screenshot Album Selection


3. Screenshot Shutter Effect


4. Screenshot Watermark function


5. Flexible template layout