Drupal Technical
[SOLVED][Drupal][Drupal Panels] Allow only specific content types when adding a new pane
A few Drupal users have been searching for a way to allow only specific content types when adding a new pane. If you are searching for a method to do that in your Drupal site then read on to get a head start.
The following steps should give you a head start in the right directions.
- The options for restricting content type depend on module which is actually creating the panel (Page manager or Panelizer or Mini panels)
- There is a settings page that will control what layouts and what content types are allowed to be added to that type of Panel.
- If you are using Page Manager you can find the settings page at admin/structure/panels/settings
- However there is no fine grained permissions settings for individual panels.
- You'd have to write a module to create permissions to restrict content types to individual panes.
Hope that helps.
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Reference: http://drupal.org/node/1777548