[SOLVED][Drupal Boost] Users unable to access the site and get option to download gzipped version of site

| | 1 min read

Many Drupal users using Boost were complaining that the users were unable to access their site and were instead give the option to get a gzipped version of the site. If you are facing the same scenario in your Drupal site which uses Boost then read on to find out the solution.

Here is the fix

  • This scenario usually occurs after you have changed your .htaccess rules
  • The user facing this issue confirmed that added the following lines after #BOOST start helped in solving the problem
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
        AddCharset utf-8 .html
        AddCharset utf-8 .json
        AddEncoding gzip .gz
      <FilesMatch "(\.html|\.html\.gz)$">
        ForceType text/html
      <FilesMatch "(\.json|\.json\.gz)$">
        ForceType text/javascript

Hope that helps.

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Reference: http://drupal.org/node/1008534