[Drupal] How to create a tag cloud using the Drupal Cumulus module?

| | 2 min read

One of our Drupal clients wanted us to display the different categories (taxonomy terms in Drupal speak) in their Drupal site as a tag cloud. If you are facing the same scenario in your Drupal site then read on to know how to create a tag cloud using the Drupal Cumulus module in your Drupal site.

When we say 'tag cloud', we mean a visual display of different words(mainly categories) used in a web site. The tags(term given for such words/text) can be displayed in different fonts and colors depending on their importance in the Drupal site. These tags are normally hyperlinked and may be redirected to pages which they normally represent.

First we need to download and install the Drupal Cumulus module . Then in the block configuration page (YOUR_SITE_URL/admin/structure/block), there will be an option to add a Cumulus block ('Add cumulus block' link will appear in the 'Blocks' page).

Click on the 'Add cumulus block' and you will be redirected to 'YOUR_SITE_URL/admin/structure/block/add-cumulus-block' page where you can add a new cumulus block. For example, you need to enter the 'Block title', 'Vocabulary IDs to be included' etc. I have attached a screenshot on how it will appear after entering all the details.


Please don't forget to add the block to any region listed in the dropdown box under 'Region settings'. The region specifies where the block will be displayed in your page(for example, left sidebar, right sidebar etc). You can also mention the pages in which the block needs to be displayed under the 'Visibility settings' options.

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