Drupal Technical
[Drupal] How to embed a kaltura video programmatically in a popup in a Drupal 7 website?
If we are using kaltura field in a content type in a Drupal website, the video uploaded using this kaltura field will be displayed automatically in corresponding node page. One of our Drupal client had a requirement that, on clicking a button, load a popup window and play kaltura video in that popup. Read on to know how to embed a Kaltura video programmatically in a popup in a Drupal 7 website
- Create menu to load kaltura video and pass nid as argument
- In the page callback function add code to embed kaltura video.
Steps to embed kaltura video are,- Load node using nid
- Get all data like kaltura_entryid and mediatype of that kaltura field.
- Get all details about video from 'node_kaltura' table using 'kaltura_entryid'.
- Build embed code for that video using details retrieved from 'node_kaltura' table using function field_kaltura_build_embed.
- Theme the kaltura player and then print output.
- Load this menu in popup window.
The programatic implementation of the above steps is given below:
Create menu to load kaltura video ,
/** *Implement hook_menu() */ function module_name_menu() { $menu['film/popup/trailer/%'] = array( 'title' => 'popup', 'description' => 'popup menu', 'page callback' => 'module_name_trailer_video', 'access callback' => TRUE, ); return $menu; }
In the page callback function add code embed kaltura video,
function module_name_trailer_video() { $nid = arg(3); // Load node using nid. $node = node_load($nid); // Get all data like kaltura_entryid and mediatype of that kaltura field. $field = field_info_field('field_kaltura_field_name'); $settings = $field['settings']; if (isset($node->field_kaltura_field_name['und'][0]['entryid'])) { $item = $node->field_kaltura_field_name['und'][0]['entryid']; } if (isset( $node->field_kaltura_field_name['und'][0]['mediatype'])) { $type = $node->field_kaltura_field_name['und'][0]['mediatype']; } // Get all details about video from 'node_kaltura' table using 'kaltura_entryid'. $query = db_select('node_kaltura', 'k') ->fields('k') ->condition('kaltura_entryid', $item, '=') ->execute() ->fetchAssoc(); $user_id = $node->uid; $metadata['views'] = $query['kaltura_views']; $metadata['plays'] = $query['kaltura_plays']; $metadata['votes'] = $query['kaltura_votes']; $metadata['rank'] = $query['kaltura_rank']; $metadata['total_rank'] = $query['kaltura_total_rank']; $seometa['description'] = $query['kaltura_description']; $seometa['title'] = $query['kaltura_title']; $type = !empty($type) ? $type : $query['kaltura_media_type']; $path = ''; $thumb_url = $query['kaltura_thumbnail_url']; $meta = theme('kaltura_metadata', array('metadata' => $metadata)); // build embed code for that video using details retrieved from 'node_kaltura' table. $embed = field_kaltura_build_embed($item, $type, $settings, $path, $user_id, $thumb_url, $seometa); // Theme the kaltura player and then print output. $video_trailer = theme('kaltura_player', array('embed' => $embed, 'title' => $query['kaltura_title'], 'desc' => $query['kaltura_description'])); $output = $video_trailer; print $output; }