Drupal Technical
| 1
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In Drupal, usually the date field value is saved in the database in UTC timezone format. One of our requirements for a project was to show the date in the site's timezone format. So we generated a general function to convert date in UTC timezone to any required timezone and format it.
Just use the below function to convert date in UTC timzone to a given timezone and the format date using a valid timestamp,

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
Open Data Kit (ODK) is an open-source suite, a set of tools that helps to build survey forms. It can be used to collect data through a mobile device and then the data can be sent to a server. We can aggregate the collected data on the server and extract it in a useful format.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
Moodle is a Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) learning management system written in PHP. Drupal is also an Open-Source CMS. We require to integrate Moodle and Drupal with a single login system. For that, I have followed the steps mentioned below.
Changes to be done in the Drupal site:

Technical Solution
| 3
min read
Moodle is a Free and Open-Source Software(FOSS) learning management system written in PHP. We can install Moodle on a standalone platform. Here I would like to explain how to install Moodle in an Ubuntu Server.

Technical Solution
| 3
min read
Open Data Kit (ODK) is an open-source suite of tools that helps to Build survey form, Collect data on a mobile device and send it to a server and Aggregate the collected data on a server and extract it in useful formats. ODK Aggregate can be deployed on Google's App Engine, by creating google account. ODK Aggregate can also be deployed locally on a Tomcat server backed with a MySQL or PostgreSQL database server.
Steps to setup ODK Aggregate in our server,

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
When I planned to use media upload in CKeditor for uploading files to the site, I faced one problem, i.e. I could use only predefined image style as a preset to style my image. I wanted to use a custom preset to media upload. To achieve that we have to do some customization.
Add the following custom code in our custom module.

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
We are running 3 instances of ODK and 2 more Java applications on a single server. If we try to load all these applications simultaneously, some will not load and some will be slow. When we check tomcat's log file, Catalina. out, it says, java. lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. The cause of this is explained below,

Drupal Technical
| 4
min read
Infusionsoft is a all-in-one sales and marketing software.One of our client requirement is to integrate Drupal with infusionsoft using infusionsoft API. Steps to implement this as follows

Technical Solution
| 4
min read
In Drupal, some modules add tabs to pages and these tabs(Primary tabs) are shown in the top of each page for authenticated users. Some of these tabs are not needed for some roles. There are cases where we want to hide such tabs like, Bookmarks, File browser, Orders etc., from primary tabs for roles other than administrator. We can remove these undesired tabs from primary tabs programmatically.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
If we are using kaltura field in a content type in a Drupal website, the video uploaded using this kaltura field will be displayed automatically in corresponding node page. One of our Drupal client had a requirement that, on clicking a button, load a popup window and play kaltura video in that popup. Read on to know how to embed a Kaltura video programmatically in a popup in a Drupal 7 website