Drupal Technical
[SOLVED][Drupal Colorbox] Contact form does not load in Colorbox
A few Drupal users had found out that their site Contact form does not load in Colorbox when calling it with the relative page url. If you are facing the same issue with Colorbox in your Drupal site the continue reading.
Here is the most probable solution.
- The problem can occur due to a small error in the url such as having a preceeding slash as shown below
<a class="colorbox-load" href="/colorbox/form/contact_site_form?width=600&height=600"> Contact </ a>
- So just make sure that the url does not have a preceeding slash
<a class="colorbox-load" href="colorbox/form/contact_site_form?width=600&height=600"> Contact </ a>
Hope that helps.
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Reference: http://drupal.org/node/1373606