Technical Q&A
| 2
min read
Have you ever faced problems trying to delete all the contents of a particular content type in a Drupal website? Drupal is a CMS technology and supports Drupal developers/content writers to add content. I think content writers can face problems while trying to delete content. There are two modules in Drupal that help us overcome this issue, they are:

Technical Q&A
| 2
min read
Clearing cache is something that a Drupal developer do frequently. Here are the 4 most popular ways to clear the cache.
1.Install the devel module which adds a cache clear option for administrators. You'll find a devel block to add to a region for quick cache clearing.
2. If you install the admin menu and get a quick menu in the top left for clearing various caches in Drupal.

Technical Q&A
| 2
min read
If you installed the latest version of drupal9 it will have the following directories. compare to other versions of Drupal, drupal9 does not have a libraries folder

Technical Q&A
| 3
min read
We can use the following command for downloading and enabling module till the version of drupal7
drush dl module_name
drush en module_name -y
In Drupal 8 and Drupal9 you no longer use Drush. Use composer command instead
composer require drupal/module_name
After, you will need to enable the module using the Drush command

Technical Q&A
| 1
min read
We can install the latest version of drupal9 using the following command.
composer create-project drupal/recommended-project my_site_name_dir
This will create a project in 'my_site_name_dir' and automatically execute composer install to download the latest stable version of Drupal and all its dependencies.
Your 'my_site_name_dir' will contain files that should be outside of your web root and not accessible by the web server. The web root will be 'my_site_name_dir/web'.

Technical Q&A
| 2
min read
Actually, we can't install an incompatible module with the composer and apply a compatibility patch afterward. However, since issue forks are branches it's possible to install the module using that branch.
Under the repositories section where the composer source is listed, we need to add an exclude key for our module that we're trying to install using the issue fork. In the following example trying to install an issue for the homebox module.
Complete repositories key look like this now:

Technical Q&A
| 2
min read
We can use loadByProperties method in the \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface.it will help us to search the file entity by the given file URI:
/** @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface[] $files */
$files = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->loadByProperties(['uri' => $uri]);
/** @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface|null $file */
$file = reset($files) ?: NULL;
In some other cases if you don't know the file URI
We can use the below code to get the URI: