Drupal Technical
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A few Drupal users when checking out the mobile version of their Drupal site saw that Colorbox was off-center on the iPad. It was positioned far to the left on the iPad but displaying as intended on the Mac and PC desktops with max width set to 100%. If you are experiencing the same issue with Colorbox on iPad then read on to know the fix.
Drupal Technical
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Many Drupal 6 users have reported that they could no longer control styles after upgrading the Panels module in their Drupal installation. If you are facing the same issue in your Drupal site then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
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A few Drupal users had realized that after a Panels update the block visibility rules they had specified previously for the blocks that were to be displayed in Panels were no longer working. If you are facing the same issue in your Drupal site then read on to find out the solution
Drupal Technical
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A few Drupal users have been searching for a way to allow only specific content types when adding a new pane. If you are searching for a method to do that in your Drupal site then read on to get a head start.
Drupal Technical
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Many Drupal users have requested for a method to change the more link in a Views block to point to a panel page with a content pane instead of a View page. Currently Views and Panels do not support this. If you are looking for a similar functionality in your Drupal site then read on to get a head start.
Drupal Technical
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Many Drupal users had encountered the following error in a modal window when using Panels after clicking on the settings cog to add content to a panel layout. "An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 200 Debugging information follows." If you are facing the same perplexing error message in your Drupal then read on to find out the fix.
[SOLVED][Drupal][Drupal Panels] Clicking on Show Layout Designer redirects back to the previous page
Drupal Technical
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A handful of Drupal users had reported that clicking on the Show Layout Designer redirects them back to the previous page. A few users reported the presence of the following error in their Drupal log " Table 'a4l.panels_layout' doesn't exist query: SELECT * FROM panels_layout t__0 in /var/www/vhosts/afl.pghtechministries.org/httpdocs/sites/all/modules/ctools/includes/export.inc on line 379." after they had upgraded the Panels and Ctools modules after seeing the issue. If you are facing the same error in your Drupal site when using Panels then read on to know the fix.
Drupal Technical
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A few Drupal users wanted to know how to display an image, its title and then the image's node title as a link in Colorbox. If you want to know how to display a node-link in Colorbox along with a few images related to the node then read on to find out the solution.
Drupal Technical
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Many Drupal users have reported encountering an error "Warning: file_get_contents(sites/all/libraries/colorbox/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in colorbox_get_version() (line 300 of /home/[website]/public_html/dir/sites/all/modules/colorbox/colorbox.module)" when trying to use the Drupal Colorbox module. The same users had also reported that the status reports returned a "Colorbox plugin At least 1.3.6 You need to download the Colorbox plugin and extract the entire contents of the archive into the sites/all/libraries folder of your server." message. If you are encountering the same situation in your Drupal site then read on to know the fix.
Drupal Technical
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Many Drupal Colorbox users have encountered a situation where the Image title disappears after a second in the popup. This is not an error as it is the intended behavior. If you want to customize the functionality to make the title persistent in your Drupal site then read on to find out the solution.