The content published under this byline at Zyxware Technologies is mostly collaborative, comprising articles and insights from multiple projects, as well as data collected from various sources.
To enhance the Islamic Development Bank's brand identity and to be equipped with the new functionalities that are envisaged, Islamic Development Bank is planning to build a new Drupal-based website to replace the existing 9-year-old website. Also, the Islamic Development Bank would want to effectively portray the services and activities of the IDB to its beneficiaries including IDB Member Countries, partners, Scholars, Suppliers, and the public at large. The new website should have an eye-catching design with a responsive layout and improved and refined content management capabilities.
Takamol B2B Online Marketplace:
Takamol is a Saudi Arabian government owned limited liability company incorporated to provide services for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and thereby contribute to the development of the non-oil economy in the country. Takamol was owned by Ministry of Labor (MoL), Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) and Technical and Vocational training Corporation (TVTC) which are collectively known as MoLPlus.
The platform, National Virtual Library of India (NVLI) envision bringing together several archival and other electronic resources held with public libraries, museums, Central and State Governments, private collections, etc., onto a single knowledge hub interface. All software programs developed and modified for this project were released in the public domain under a GPL license in and other repositories such as Github.
We had earlier published a list of Fortune 500 companies and their websites. We evaluated these websites and have identified those that run on Drupal. Do note that this data is for the list of fortune 500 companies for year 2018. The current list of fortune 500 companies using Drupal is also available.
We had earlier published a list of Fortune 500 companies and their websites. We have evaluated these websites and have identified those that run on Drupal. The following is the list of Fortune 500 companies that use Drupal for their corporate websites. Do note that this data is for the list of fortune 500 companies for year 2016. The current list of fortune 500 companies using Drupal is also available.
US has around 19500 incorporated cities across the country. The cities ranges in sizes from a few people to millions of people. For cities that are of a reasonable size, a metric that is more interesting than the actual size of the city is the rate at which the city is growing. The rate indicates whether such a city is a good target for finding businesses that are growing and making money. Here is the list of the 100 fastest growing cities in the US for all cities that are greater than 50,000 people in size. The data is based of the 2017 census data and estimates for populations from the previous 2010 census data
Download the full list of 19500 cities
Problem Statement
Department of IT and Telecom (DITT) being the nodal department for IT infrastructure had the responsibility of managing the websites of different government entities. While there were many common features to these websites, they were built using different technologies, and therefore, maintenance was difficult costly. In the present case, the 24 websites of the Dzongkhags and Thromdes were developed on different technologies with different designs and functionality.
Fortune magazine publishes a list of the largest companies in the US by revenue every year. Here is the list of fortune 500 companies for the year 2018 and their websites. Check out the current list of fortune 500 companies and their websites.
Zyxware Powers ‘The News Minute’ Portal
On 23rd May 2019, all eyes were looking for the latest news reports about Election results made most of the websites faced heavy traffic. One of our client's website The News Minute was actively publishing the updated news reports on their website and the TNM_News minute server was continuously having a higher load on the election result date. The load spike on the server occurred due to higher organic website traffic.