Drupal Views

Zyxware default image1
| 1 min read
A new requirement from one of our clients was to create a 'custom view' tab in Drupal my account page. The tab should lead to a page that lists the user’s content in descending order by date of placement. We were all set to create it through code, but interestingly we came up with a different solution. All that was required was just a few minor admin configurations, and the tab was ready in a few minutes. Here are the steps to create a custom view tab in Drupal 7 my account page.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
One of our clients was trying to upload a pdf file on a node page in their Drupal website. The file was more than 25 MB in size and Drupal was not allowing them to upload the file as it had crossed the max file upload limit and they needed this to be done very quickly. As we were in charge they requested to come up with an easy way to do that. If you want to now the easiest way to set the max file upload size in a Drupal site read on to know more.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
Sometimes we use Drupal view_query_alter to add or modify the view's where clause. To add a new WHERE clause we may use add_where property. Whenever we use an add_where, it will create a WHERE clause along with an AND condition. There will be some cases were we need to use OR instead of AND. So if you want to know more about how to use OR clause in hook_view_query_alter, read on to know more.
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
In one of our recent projects we had to show a slider for a price range. The slider was to be used to show all products with prices between a minimum and a maximum. If we set filters in they will be shown as text boxes. For our project the client requirement was to show a slider above these text-boxes. See the screenshot. The JQuery UI has a good slider widget which will gives the graphical version of these range. We can use this widget with our views 'in between' clause.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
A number of Drupal users were looking for a way to populate a taxonomy dropdown menu with the child terms of a selection made in another taxonomy drop down menu. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal site and want to know how to populate a taxonomy dropdown menu with the child terms of a selection made in another taxonomy dropdown then continue reading to know more.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
A few Drupal users were looking to know how to enable contextual filters in Views to accept words instead of ID numbers. This is especially useful in filtering items in a View using a taxonomy term as at a glance, only taxonomy term ids seem to be accepted. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal site and would like to know how to enable contextual filters in Views to accept words instead of ID numbers then continue reading.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
A Drupal user wanted to know how to pass variables from one View to another. The user wanted to pass a taxonomy term from the first View to the second view so that the second View could be filtered by the term from the first View. If you are facing the same situation in your Drupal site and want to know how to pass variables from one View to another then continue reading.