This how-to talks about creating a custom drush command to import a set of taxonomy terms to sync them between the different environments we maintain.
How to use Term name instead of Term ID in Views Filter?
Discover the steps to create a Drupal 9 Taxonomy term programmatically.
To load node details using its id in Drupal 8 uses the following syntax:
$node_details = Node::load($nid);
We can load multiple nodes in Drupal 8 using load multiple() function. Note that the parameter should be an array of ids.
To load a node details using its id in Drupal 8 use the following syntax:
$node_details = Node::load($nid);
I want to programmatically create taxonomy vocabulary and it should be enabled and disabled while the module installs and uninstalls the process. So first of all I have created a YAML file based on the vocabulary name with necessary definitions.
In this article lets see how to import and export translation strings to Drupal site. Drupal uses the .po (portable object) and .pot (portable object template) extensions for the translation files. Difference between .po and .pot files:
We were working on a Drupal website which was handed to us by one of our Drupal clients. We were required to add a new content type to the Drupal site and create the associated views with it. While working on adding a feature we found that the taxonomy terms (tags) were not appearing on the node page of any content type. If you find that the tags have been missing then read on to know the most likely source of the issue.
In my previous article "How to create a php script to add a new set of category by using existing taxonomy term as reference id in Drupal 6 ?" I have explained upto replacing taxonomy term using term id. In this article replacing taxonomy term using term name and also how to create a crone job for executing the script in regular intervals.
In Drupal 6, the configuration of vocabulary itself has an option to specify the content types that requires this vocabulary. There is only global settings for the vocabulary. If we set the vocabulary as multiple select, it will apply to all of the content types to which it belongs. We can not set this field as multiple select in one content type and single select in others.
When we try to theme a Drupal website certain case we need to create particular region in the Drupal website. Adding region for a Drupal website is not a hard task, even a developer first creating a Drupal website can create a region. In order to add regions inside a Drupal website we only need to add a few lines extra for that. Below there are three version of drupal for the drupal 6 and 7 version creating the region is same but for the Drupal 5 version it is slightly different.
I faced a problem to create a taxonomy vocabulary term when my custom module was enabled. To save a vocabulary we just need a Taxonomy vocabulary save. But here I had to enable it whenever my module is enabled. So I checked out and found this method to add a new taxanomy vocabulary.
I have a vocabulary in my drupal project and I want to make the vocabulary as a single select in one of my content types. I can do it in the form_alter. But to select the vocabulary item in the form_alter, I need its vocabulary-id. I dont want to hard code vocabulary-id in my code, so I searched for a drupal core function to get the vocabulary id from its name. In drupal 7 there is a function to get the entire vocabulary object from its machine name. But in drupal 6 there is no core function to get vocabulary id from its name. So I created a custom function to get the vocabulary id from its name. See the following function I programmed, to get the vocabulary id from its name.
If you need to import users from the data given in a file in drupal 6, then user import module is helpful. Using this module, we can upload the file in csv format, which contains user details and select the details from the uploaded file using the user import module.
In this article, I would explain how we can add a new set of categories to an already existing node by using existing taxonomy terms as reference id in Drupal 6. In order to achieve this, the following functions can be used: taxonomy_get_parents_all(), taxonomy_get_term(), node_save().
I have created a module for my Drupal project. That module requires a vocabulary that should be created when installing the module itself. To create the vocabularies, while installation itself we have to implement the code in the install hook. Read on to know the code to create a vocabulary named as 'Categories'.