Technical Blog

Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
This is an article about how you can create a custom color switching theme with the help of Drupal 7 color module. Color module is a Drupal core module comes with Drupal and you can use this module to colorize your theme. Garland is a Drupal theme which uses color module to colorize its various content. If you want to know more about how to create a colorized theme by using Drupal 7 color module read on.
Zyxware default image4
| 5 min read
Consider you are creating a drupal website with multiple languages. We don't have to create two different sites for that. This can be achieved in the same site by using a module. In drupal for adding translations to the site we can use the Entity Translation Module. If we want to translate the title and other such fields to some other language then we can use the Title module. The different steps that has to be followed to add translation to Drupal 7 site using translation module are listed below.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
In Drupal I have faced a problem while using . Some jQuery functions are available only in some versions. For example thejQuery pluginsre is jQuery function on It is added in the version 1.7 of jQuery only. So while adding this function to my site I have faced the problem with the plugin because the version of jQuery available in my site was 1.5.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
Comment module in Drupal makes it possible for users to comment on the nodes we create. And also the users get a chance to discuss on the topic as well. In this article I try to demonstrate how the comments for a node can be wrapped inside a fieldset. Isn't it a good choice? If you haven't done it, now will be a good time to do so.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
Drupal 7 Views provides an option to add php to the Views footer in a View page. The option is called Global PHP. It allows you to add PHP code to views, to modify its output without adding code in a separate php file. However this option shoud be used with caution as a php error here can bring down the whole site and it would be difficult to detect. There is an alternative though. Read on to know how to add an SQL query to the global footer in Views without directly placing the PHP code in a view.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
I have a vocabulary in my drupal project and I want to make the vocabulary as a single select in one of my content types. I can do it in the form_alter. But to select the vocabulary item in the form_alter, I need its vocabulary-id. I dont want to hard code vocabulary-id in my code, so I searched for a drupal core function to get the vocabulary id from its name. In drupal 7 there is a function to get the entire vocabulary object from its machine name. But in drupal 6 there is no core function to get vocabulary id from its name. So I created a custom function to get the vocabulary id from its name. See the following function I programmed, to get the vocabulary id from its name.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
Sometimes working on Drupal Views is very intimidating as this a very complex module serving a variety of needs. No wonder it is one of top Drupal modules. Once I had a particularly difficult time trying to figure out how to get a relationship right in Views by trying to get the user name from the users table using a userid from a field in my custom table. However I managed to figure out the soution by reading the query generated by Views. Read on to know how to add a relationship between a custom table and Users table in Views below
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
A landing page refers to a particular web page that a visitor usually reaches upon clicking a link or an online advertisement. This page usually displays information that is directly related to the keywords that has a user has searched for, or the has the relevant keywords directly on the page. Landing pages are basically conversion tools i.e. the primary objective of a landing page is to turn a visitor into a lead.
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
In your Drupal website consider that you have created a block using views to display some content.Consider a situation where there is no content in the view.In normal situation if there is no content to be displayed, an empty block will be displayed which will be very odd for a website.So in this article I am mentioning so configuration changes that need to be done so that the block wont be displayed when there is no content.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Debugging is a process of finding and reducing the number of bugs. In the web applications development we used to work mostly on the development site at first and debug the errors then we will go for the live site to just push the modifications which we made in the development site. In such cases there may be a chance of error occurrence in the live site even if we come up from the development site. Then we have to handle the debugging process in the live site at that point of time. In the development site process we can do the debugging process easily, there is no need to worry about the customers since because it is not viewable to the customers. But when it comes to the live site we have to consider about the customers who visit the site.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Drupal 6 will not allow you to create multiple access callbacks for a menu. In hook menu, the access callback will accept only string value, not an array. But I had a requirement in my project to add a custom access callback without removing the existing access callback. My custom access callback should be executed first. After that if some condition satisfies in my custom function the original access callback should get executed.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
In one of my drupal projects, I had a requirement to open some search result page in a new tab. I had given '#' as a place holder for the href attribute of the search link that needs to execute a javascript function on click to open the search result page on new tabs. I have added necessary code on the click event of this link to open the search results in new tabs and it was working properly. But when I click on this search link the current tab will go to the top of the page, since the '#' attribute will redirect to the top of the page.