Technical Blog

Hubspot Signup
| 2 min read
HubSpot CRM manage sales processes of organizations. We can create contacts, company, leads, tasks using direct HubSpot CRM UI or using APIs provided by HubSpot. Here we are going to look at the APIs to create, update and delete companies.Create a CompanyThis API is useful when we are integrating HubSpot with other site. Parameters to send Request
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
A patch is a small file which shows what was changed in a repository. It shows the new changes in an existing file, details of the new files in the current directory, file deletion details etc. A patch file can be pushed to the git repository so that it is useful in the future for updating the changes in the corresponding file. For creating a patch file in your current git repository, make changes in your files. Now open the terminal. For unstaged changes, type the following command,
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
To render a Drupal form to a node, drupal_build_form function is used. This function allows us to render all forms except the admin forms. Note that, admin forms didn't find success while rendering the same. In-order to render a form the following syntax is used,
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Drupal is a scalable and secure content management framework which help organizations build their digital platforms. In this article I am presenting a situation where Drupal helped implement a feature for one of our client, without affecting the site's scalability and secure nature. The client’s site went down to maintenance mode for some users unexpectedly. This happens very rarely and there was no immediate visible reason that could point to the cause of it. So it was imperative that we log when the site goes offline in order to debug the issue.
Zyxware default image1
| 5 min read
Media companies on a daily basis create, manage and publish huge volumes of digital files or assets. These digital assets which include images, audios, videos, graphics, documentation etc need to be properly managed. Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems are solutions to store, organize, locate, retrieve and share these digital files. The management of these assets include workflows, complex asset access controls, preset standardizations, storage specifications.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
By using Views Slideshow module we could simplify the procedure of developing a slideshow in Drupal. As per the requirement I have found one feature lacking, i.e, a full screen option. I like to introduce a script that would turn slideshow images to the size of browser window. That is, it would turn image or html element to the measure of view port maintaining the content quality. This would be useful for setting an image as background of a page, so that entire viewing area would be covered.