Drupal Solution

Drupal Security Audit
| 7 min read
E-governance has grown and developed rapidly reflecting the social, economic, and cultural changes happening. The increased usage of the web by the citizens, the ease of use, the ubiquity of digital connectivity, IoT have allowed for the emergence of a number of applications for Government to Citizen, Government to Government, and Government to Business Services. Leveraging the web for citizen engagement, delivery of government services to citizens, businesses and inter-government departmental services is key to strengthening the e-governance capability of a government.
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| 4 min read
Drupal and Shopify are best of two worlds. Drupal is one of the most popular and robust content management systems on the planet. Immense digital marketing capabilities of Drupal make it widely acceptable among digital marketers. On the other hand, Shopify is one of the best cloud based ecommerce system for SMB. Leveraging the strengths of these two can bring in great results. Here we will describe the advantages of developing a hybrid Drupal-Shopify store.
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| 6 min read
Zyxware Technologies developed the Sardar Patel portal in partnership with NVLI (National Virtual Library of India) and IIT Bombay (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay). The NVLI entity has been developed by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, under the National Mission on Libraries (NML) undertaking.
Drupal Logo
| 4 min read
There has been an argument raging on the web that Drupal is a beast when it comes to building websites, or it is not as easy to build as WordPress but it is very secure and scalable. While others argue that Drupal is the best choice! Here we would like to point out what Drupal is best suited for when it comes to building websites.
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| 5 min read
The idea of an online community has shifted from the goal of basic social exchanges to indispensable vehicles for high-tech professional users to accomplish high-value collaborative endeavors. To enable your technically adept users to derive value from online exchanges through communities, an effective design is the basic starting point. Today’s Web 2.0 landscape has stringent guidelines for websites and with the complexities demanded from online networking platforms, the challenges multiply considerably:
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| 5 min read
Drupal has been one of the most preferred choices of CMS all over the world. The main reason for the success of Drupal is that it is a deadly combination of core functionality as well as open-source roots. Along with this, Drupal can provide you with all the necessary upgrades and add-ons which can help in bringing your digital business forward. If you are looking to hire a Drupal professional, here are some of the things that you should look for:
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| 5 min read
Businesses are getting more stringent about choosing a platform that guarantees effective content marketing. Marketers expect to see compliance with web standards, scalability, integration and customization, all bundled in a single offering. Users are looking for an ideal platform that places more power in their hands. To obtain measurable Return on Investment (ROI), more and more marketers are beginning to rely on Drupal, and the reasons are remarkably striking.
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| 3 min read
Think about big names in the education sector and the technology happens to be Drupal. Harvard, Duke, Brown, and Rutgers University, all rely on the scalable, flexible, accessible Drupal platform to handle their content. Drupal core records ever-climbing usage statistics, showing a marked increase in popularity with every new version available in the market.
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| 4 min read
Drupal, an Open Source content management system has been gaining popularity over the last decade and is currently in use by reputed names such as The White House, UN, NBC, Ikea, Oxford University, Nike. Interestingly MIT, Stanford, and all Ivy League colleges use Drupal. Close to three-quarters of the top US universities use Drupal. So do many of the best university websites the world over.
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| 4 min read
Drupal staffing supplements the in-house shortage of Drupal developers for projects with experts in the field at a slightly higher cost but for a specific period. It involves comprehending clearly the ability of the development team and what are the auxiliary needs of the project. Staff augmentation is deemed necessary by most companies to support their business activities when additional resources are required.
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| 5 min read
Businesses are engaging in different innovative strategies to develop and deliver various digital marketing experiences across the market. Marketing strategies are spirally evolving. From a personal door-to-door marketing concept, the strategy has moved to wider mass marketing while delivering personalized content. Omnichannel marketing is about providing this experience consistently over all channels.
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| 6 min read
Digital is said to be the ‘most measurable medium ever. In digital marketing, by understanding the target audience and their interests, consumers can be segmented and targeted. Acquia Lift introduced by Acquia is a SaaS solution that increases engagement, conversion, and customer satisfaction. Acquia describes Lift as," an optimization platform that enables marketing teams to transform the digital experiences offered to customers into personalization engines for conversion and revenue generation". Auto personalizing even on a one-on-one basis with users can be done using Acquia Lift.
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| 5 min read
Digital trends are evolving and transforming quite rapidly. Digital marketers can monitor what is being viewed, for how long and how often. Being able to analyze what content works, what doesn’t and see the sale conversions should help in making a strategic marketing plan that is agile. Drupal known for its flexibility and scalability, is a great tool for building an amazing digital marketing platform.
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| 5 min read
Media websites are large and heavy configurations due to the enormous amount of data, including videos, images, etc., and need a robust content management system to fulfill the expectations from it. A media house is no different from other businesses and monetization is a crucial factor that needs to be considered before going online. Of course, other areas also need attention such as responsiveness, content management, etc.
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| 4 min read
Drupal is one of the most preferred Content Management Systems in the world, and needless to say, Drupal 8 is greatest release of Drupal till date. When it comes to Drupal 8, it makes things a lot easier for the digital marketer, with its power, easy usability and superior technology. According to the official website Drupal.org, Drupal 8 offers the following options for marketers:-