Drupal 8 has brought in a lot of changes. Lots of contributed modules have been added to Drupal core. New standards have been implemented for easy use. Drupal 8 is now in the beta phase. Drupal 8 uses Symfony framework.
Drupal Technical
If you have a multi-site installation that has multiple settings.php files, say '/sitename1.com/settings.php' and '/sitename2.com/settings.php' and so on. Trying to run Drush commands to clear cache from different directories and changing directories all the time is going to be a mess.
The feedAPI module is a famous one for processing custom feeds in different formats like rss/Atom, csv, iCal etc. Now the feedAPI has been upgraded to the "feeds",which have more features and easy to use and customize. However still a lot of Drupal 6 sites uses the feedAPI module for handling external feeds. Let us see how a new parser can be created in feed API module.
I had a requirement to use my current view repeatedly on other pages with minute configuration changes. The current view configuration should be available on the other views and no changes should affect the view page which is active. The best way to get through the scenario is by the cloning the copy of the existing view and configure the clone as per the requirement.
Drupal gives ability to access callback. The access callback is executed before the call 'page callback'. Here create custom permission using access callback. The access callback helpfull for specific permissions to users or roles.
For a Drupal site I had a requirement to create a Rule using the rules modules. It seemed to be working fine. Then I needed to convert the rule to a programmatic rule that I can include inside my custom module.
In order to communicate and interact with other web applications we need to use standard communication protocol called web services. The web applications such as Facebook, flip kart, twitter etc can communicate to and fro with Drupal sites.Web services will also allow our Drupal site to pass along content and data to external web applications existing on remote servers.
Creating a custom theme in drupal is nearly a simple thing if you are good at css styling. Let us take a walk through the structure of theme implementation in drupal.
My Live Chat provides a Drupal Plugin for collaborating with the Drupal website visitors. My Live Chat Drupal Plugin is fully customizable. It is pretty light-weight and easy to install. This requires only a free account at Mylivechat to integrate with Drupal websites. Also it is a free. It offers fast and high performance live chat solution with the most user-friendly application. It allows to live chat with visitors, monitor traffic, and analyze their activities including their search engine and keyword usage.
Needing a Ubercart module that will calculate the shipping price for various regions depending upon the total weight of the products ordered. Ubercart shipping module is an interface to add different shipping providers. It's worth mentioning what we're trying to achieve here. Cotswold Seeds wanted to provide a single shipping cost for every order, as depending on shipping address, the order value and weight, they have the responsibility of selecting the shipping carrier.Only a single shipping quote is ever going to be provided for each order, because The user would not be given a choice here.
Drupal 8 is evolving everyday, and we are all very eager to find out how it will change our content managing experience. Here, we have listed out some of the major changes in the content management section of Drupal 8.
After smartphones born, people don't just use desktop computer or laptop anymore to visit the websites. They will go for smartphones, tablets, palmtops and so on. How can we keep design to all these different devices? There is a way, that`s responsive webdesign.As the name tells, its a matter of responding to the site user's device specifics.
I had an issue with the Drupal installation on local setup that the login links are redirected to live. I have changed cookies name and base URL for my local environment, I have also emptied all cache tables, but still it redirects to the live site.
The following procedure I did to get the redirection correctly to my local environment
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language, used for describing the formatting of a document written in any markup language. The idea of CSS is all about to enable the separation of document from its presentation which includes the elements such as the layout, colors, fonts and so on.
Let us consider a situation in which we have to use the custom settings that has been done in a drupal site to another drupal site. The common way which is followed in this type of situation is by doing the same custom settings in the new site. But this is not that easy to do. The same situation can be handled by using the 'features module'. The following steps have to be followed in order to use the Features module in Drupal.
In this article I will introduce you to programatically custom actions for Drupals' Rules module. Updating your events or actions in rules can benefit you widely later, when you start to reuse the rule in the Drupal site or even port them on other Drupal sites.
Jmscroll is a simple jQuery infinite scroll plugin which observes the scroll event and loads the next set of content If it available. It is a another type of Philip Klauzinski's jscroll Plugin. We can use this jQuery Plugin for various variety type of scrolling sites.
Drupal 7 comes with two primary options for e-commerce websites: Commerce. Commerce is new for Drupal 7 and redefines the way Drupal handles the e-commerce. Selecting correct e-commerce module suite for your webshop is an essential starting point. Commerce is an exciting entry to the Drupal shopping cart category written by some of the same developers who previously managed Ubercart.
A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form. A CSV file have of number of records, separated by line breaks; fields in each record separated by some other character or string, usually a comma or tab. All records have an identical sequence of fields.
A feature is a set of Drupal entities, taken together to satisfy a certain use-case. A Drupal Module 'features' is used to create custom features. Let us check how to create a custom feature.