
Increase Media Portal Traffic
| 5 min read
In the age of digital media, content creation and distribution have become essential tools for businesses and individuals looking to build their online presence. However, with the vast amount of content available on the internet, it can be challenging to create content that stands out and reaches its intended audience. This is where content discoverability, social media strategy, and newsletters come into play. This article will explore how media businesses can leverage these three tools to create and distribute engaging and discoverable content to their target audience. We will provide practical tips and examples that can help you improve your content strategy and increase your online reach.
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| 7 min read
With the number of households adopting connected TV’s in their living room, the demand for video content has exploded. Online video is well poised to disrupt and woo away a large share of marketers who depended solely on television ads, to connect with their audience. To capitalize on this massive opportunity, publishers are now – subscribing to premium video feeds, rehashing old videos, mixing it with new videos, and presenting them in a way that that is relevant to the audience in their present context.
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| 4 min read
Eighty percent of the internet website audience already watch some form of video, but mainly in short form; the average length of an Internet video stream today is only about three minutes. This is changing rapidly and the long-form video, streamed, real-time, or batched, will soon become the dominant form of content. Delivering long-form video content is bandwidth-intensive. While most low-end websites have resorted to posting video content on YouTube, this might not be a good option for those media who wish to monetize the content exclusively on their website.
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| 3 min read
The success of ‘The New York Times’ shifting its focus from advertising to subscriptions first company has encouraged many other publishers like The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, and the Financial Times to implement a paywall and moved beyond the free content. ‘The New York Times’ today, earns two-thirds of its revenue from subscriptions.