Drupal Technical
| 1
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Drupal provides creating an image style in different ways through configuration. Adding a watermark to the image to provide its originality is a must thing needed by the clients. While running in to this we have found out a solution to add a watermark to the image styles.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
Debugging is a process of finding and reducing the number of bugs. In the web applications development we used to work mostly on the development site at first and debug the errors then we will go for the live site to just push the modifications which we made in the development site. In such cases there may be a chance of error occurrence in the live site even if we come up from the development site. Then we have to handle the debugging process in the live site at that point of time. In the development site process we can do the debugging process easily, there is no need to worry about the customers since because it is not viewable to the customers. But when it comes to the live site we have to consider about the customers who visit the site.

Technical Solution
| 3
min read
Ignoring files:From time to time there are files you don't want git to track. There are a few methods of telling git what files to ignore. In which .gitignore file method is one of the popular method

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
To connect into MySQL database with the help of PHP based web applications we are in need of mysql_connect or by PDO method. Here i have added a common function which will be useful for the php based websites to connect into the database.

Technical Solution
| 3
min read
Recently I ran into the problem of mouseovers on touch devices. In short, they doesn't exist. I had just created a layout of four images which listed at the centre of the home page as like our zyxware website. And if you check the site on mouseover the image it will expand and while clicking the image it will go to the link added. But the problem is the mouse over wont work on the touch mobile devices.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
While accesing site from mobile it needs to be changed as per the mobile reqirement. So we need to check whether the site is accessing from mobile devices or from the desktop or laptop. There is an easy way to detect it witht help of Javascript.

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
In a drupal website, it is easy to add the font styles provided by drupal itself. If the user wants to add a font which is not present in the drupal site by default, the process given below can be followed. Read on to know more.

Drupal Technical
| 1
min read
In Drupal, while viewing a content type it will display the content type view with a comment form. If we want to remove the comment form from the view node page we can disable/unset it using hook_node_view function. But what we have to do if we want the comment form in a separate tab.
There is a module called Talk. This module removes the comment form from a node view page and display it on a separate tab.